Monday, October 25, 2010

Winnipeg Community Sport Policy Dev, Nov. 2 Meeting

October 8, 2010

You are invited to participate in the development of the Winnipeg Community Sport Policy

This has been a very productive year for Sport in Winnipeg and the future holds much excitement as we progress with the development of the Winnipeg Community Sport Policy. I am pleased to invite you to attend a discussion session related to this much anticipated policy. This is your opportunity to learn about the policy and to provide input into its development.

The City of Winnipeg Community Services Department has coordinated a leadership initiative to develop a Winnipeg Community Sport Policy in collaboration with major sport partners and stakeholders, such as health, education and local communities here in Winnipeg. This is a tremendously important document as it will lay out a framework for all the city’s sport partners and stakeholders to join together to increase and complement the health and wellness of Winnipeg citizens by having more residents introduced to a quality “sport for life” experience. Your participation is important as a key strength of the process is that the leaders from all sectors are working with the sport community in the development of this policy.

“Sport for Life” is about encouraging and building a policy that supports lifelong recreation and physical activity.   For children it means the development of physical literacy, the fundamental movement skills that will give them confidence to playing traditional sports (hockey, soccer) and/or engage in recreational activities that will keep them active for life.  For adults and seniors it means having the opportunity to participate in sports and recreational opportunities throughout their lives.  “Sport for Life is about promoting healthy, physically literate citizens who will participate in lifelong physical activity”. 

The following partners are helping to facilitate these discussions and are hoping to hear from you: The City of Winnipeg Community Services Department, The Winnipeg Community Sport Alliance, Sport Manitoba, Physical Manitoba Physical Education Supervisors Association, General Council of Winnipeg Community Centres and The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

In order to have your views and recommendations heard you are invited to attend one of the forums that is scheduled for:

Date: Tuesday November 2, 2010
Time: 2- 4 pm
Place: Room 119- 490 Hargrave

“A Framework to Develop a Winnipeg Community Sport Policy” as well as a forum discussion guideline paper are enclosed for your perusal prior to the session.

Gary Swanson
Community Service Department
Community Resource Coordinator
City of Winnipeg

Forum Discussion Guideline

The Winnipeg Community Sporty Policy development process includes an opportunity for groups, organizations and individuals to express their views and offer recommendations on the content of a policy that will guide the future allocation of resources to sport in Winnipeg.  In order to maximize the effectiveness of each consultation session/forum, participants are encouraged to:
  1. register in advance for the session they are invited to attend;
  2. familiarize themselves with the contents and concepts of the guiding document “A Framework to Develop a Winnipeg Community Sport Policy”;
  3. prepare a brief verbal presentation (if you wish to speak) outlining key considerations for inclusion in the policy;
  4. prepare a written brief to ensure that input is interpreted correctly within the intended context (can be submitted at or after the forum);

Sessions will vary in duration and registration will be limited to ensure opportunity for participation of all in attendance. The structure of individual sessions will depend on the size and make up of the group.  Some will be conducted through formal briefings, some large group discussion and others small group discussion. 

The following “Areas of Emphasis” have been identified as the focus points (concepts) for the consultation process:
·     Physical literacy for all*
·     Active for life*
·     Striving for achievement and excellence
·     Quality volunteers and facilities
·     Shared leadership
·     Coordinated planning and ongoing interaction

* For more information please refer to the following websites:
Physical Literacy:

In preparing for the session, please consider:
How each of the Areas of Emphasis and Principles identified in the “Framework” document can contribute to an effective and enduring sport policy. 
What are the most important areas to focus on in development of the policy?
What concepts may be missing?

The results of the consultation process will form the basis of a draft Winnipeg Community Sport Policy.   All participants who provide contact information will receive the draft policy and have opportunity to comment on it prior to its adoption.

Please Contact Stephen Harding, Community Engagement Facilitator to Register:
Phone:  330-1379                       Email:

Your input is critical to the success of this endeavour.  Thank you for your participation.

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