Monday, October 25, 2010

Pt Douglas, 5-yr Housing Plan, Community Consultations

The Point Douglas Residents Committee (PDRC) in cooperation with the North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) has begun the development of its next 5-year Housing Plan. Your input is essential to this process, and a series of community consultations have been planned.

There will be meetings for home owners and landlords, and meetings for renters.

Please see the attached poster for details or go to our website at

Please call 414-0635 to confirm your attendance, as we must plan for child care and refreshments at the meetings.         

Please forward this email to anyone you feel should attend this very important event. If this email is not relevant to you, please share it with someone to whom it may be.

Thank you very much,

Heather Geddie
Member, PDRC Housing Committee

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