Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Redwood Bridge - Trail under - Mtg.Thurs. May 27th 5: 30 p.m. @ bridge.

Meeting John Kiernan and colleagues

Thursday, May 27th
5:30 pm
Foot of Redwood Bridge area
to discuss 'passability' - which I know is not a word - but  - - whose getting technical ? !
I met with John Kiernan - recall John had promised in 2007 to make pathway at least 'passable' - but due to circumstances we are all familiar with  this did not occur.
 John has agreed to meet us ON SITE next week to see what can be done for this season.
He and a representative from the parks dept are able to meet us ON SITE to discuss 2010 options for 'passability' - 
Janice LukesWinnipeg Trails Coordinator
Winnipeg Trails Association
202 – One Forks Market Road

Winnipeg, MB   R3C 4L9  
Cell  (204) 952-4222
Fax  (204) 943-7915

Member of City of Winnipeg Active Transportation Advisory Committee
Chair, Province of Manitoba Active Transportation Advisory Group

lst Photo -looking northward directly under Redwood bridge - May 13, 10
2nd Photo - looking further north from Redwood bridge towards st Johns Park - May 13, 10 


  1. "...due to circumstances we are all familiar with this did not occur."

    Not all of us are familiar with this - why did it not occur?

  2. If you e-mail Janice Lukes she should be able to give you the details.
