Monday, September 13, 2010

Man Set on Fire, Selkirk Ave Lane, Sept 10 - Arrest Made

Sunday, September 12th, 2010 11:30 a.m.
As previously released, on Friday, September 10th, 2010 at approximately 11:25 p.m., Winnipeg Police Service Uniform Members responded to the rear lane of Selkirk Avenue, near Andrews Street for a report of male that had been set on fire. 
Upon arrival officers located a 47 year old male victim in flames. These officers acted quickly and were able to extinguish the fire, thereby preventing further injuries. Emergency Responders attended and the victim was immediately transported to the hospital in critical condition, where he remains at this time. 
The on going investigation by members from a variety of units within the Winnipeg Police Service has revealed that the 47 year old male victim was walking in the south lane of Selkirk Avenue between Powers Street and Andrews Street when he was confronted by a suspect male.   This male knocked the victim to the ground and began going through the victim’s pockets, where a bottle of liquid was then poured onto him and he was set him on fire. 
Gaston Leroy GENAILLE 19 years, of Winnipeg has been charged with the following offences:
- Aggravated assault
- Robbery with violence
- Breach of probation X2
GENAILLE has been detained in custody at the Winnipeg Remand Centre. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

191 Cathedral - Lane Catchbasin (Photo)

August 18, 10 
Good Afternoon,
I have submitted a request for repair of this catchbasin.  The department will have the area repaired within 124 days but I ensured they are aware of the extent of the damage in hopes it moves this location up on the priority list.  The photos you have sent will also help in that endeavor.  The reference number for this request is 403463.
I have submitted a seperate request to have the line checked for a clog so we can at least have the area drain quickly to help avoid the hazard.  The department will be out to check this location within 24 hours.   Your reference number for this request is 403468.
Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.
Service Representative
311 Contact Centre
August 16, 2010
Dear 311: 
Attached are two photos of the drain at the eastern/rear of 191 
Cathedral.  On Friday evening (Aug 13) members of the Luxton Area 
Citizens on Patrol observed in the area around the drain a 20ft lake 
about 6 inches deep as the rain water had been unable to drain away from…

Lake St.Cross (Inkster to Luxton) Friday Aug 13th, 2010 (Photo)

August 16/10
Good Evening,
According to Water and Waste these two locations were repaired on June 5th when a new inlet top was put in place.  Clearly that has not solved the problem.
I have submitted a new request to have this matter further investigated and included the photos you have provided to ensure they understand the seriousness of the matter.
A crew from Water and Waste will be onsite to investigate the cause of this issue within 24 hours.  Should you wish to follow up on this matter, your reference number is 401853.
Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.
Service Representative
311 Contact Centre

From: Luxton Residents Association []
Sent: Mon 8/16/2010 6:50 PM
To: 311

Subject: Reference 337903 and 337920.St Cross Flooding, Inkster to Luxton

Dear 311:

In relation to  the blocked catchbasins on St Cross (The reference number for the east side of St. Cross is 337903 and the west side is 337920) I've attached some photos of St Cross taken  on either Thursday 12th or Friday 13th around 7: 15 a.m. following the torrential rain fall around 5 a.m. that morning.   As you can see because of the blocked drains the water had been able to drain away, and well after the rain had stopped was still up to the top of the kerb.   Any more rain and it would  have been an over-land threat to the nearby houses.  Please add these comments and photos to the above reference numbers so that when this location is inspected within  124 days from June 3, this information will be available.    

Incidentally, looking back at my e-mails this flooding problem on St Cross was initially reported by me to the City in the summer of 2003, so presumably a fix can't be too far away!  

E-Watch - Updated Automatically Weekly Sunday to Monday

Winnipeg E-Watch is an online tool created by the Winnipeg Police Service Crime Prevention Section.  This program is designed to alert you via email of recent crime activity in your community, and to provide you with timely crime prevention tips, tools and information.

For further Crime Prevention information visit our website at 

Why Discrepancy between Neighbourhood Watch and E-Watch Info from Police?

Recently there were three garage break-ins (Inkster, Polson and Machray).
Neighbourhood Watch/CAPTAIN  messages for which were sent out by WPS Community Services.   However, they didn't appear on the E-Watch for the corresponding period.    Here's the explanation, provided by WPS  for discrepancies between the two data sets:

Aug 30/10 14:21 From: Project Leader Winnipeg Police Service
What I’m saying is that you have 2 different sets of information, but correct in the context they are provided.  Use the union of both sets to get a fuller picture of what is happening in the area of your interest.  If you want to know why one is on one list and not the other, I can provide you the info when I get a chance, but the vast majority will be one of the 3 reasons I sent out the last time.

1)    Type has changed, will affect both lists.
2)      B&E Other, will not be on E-Watch but will be on CAPTAIN
3)      B&E Res not processed by crime analysis due to lack of investigative report or no relevant information, will not be on E-Watch but will be on CAPTAIN

Aug 30/10 14:20 From: Project Leader Winnipeg Police Service

This list is evolutionary, based on the latest information we have about a particular occurrence.  The CAPTAIN list is a snapshot of what was reported since the last time CAPTAIN was run.  As well, the two list differ in what they report as no B&E Other is published on E-Watch.  As from the last list 9 out of the 13 differences you reported were due design differences between the 2 lists. I’m sure the differences you see this week are due to these design differences.

Aug 30/10: 14: 18 From: Project Leader Winnipeg Police Service
I did some viewing of the B&E data that we have and noticed a few things.  There are quite a few incidents that start of as a B&E and end up as something else, such as mischief, intoxicated person, dispute, robbery, theft, and there is a  number of incidents that start of as something else, such as theft, damage, graffiti and even assault that are later reclassified as B&E.  That is the biggest reason why incidents will appear on one list and not the other.  Another reason is that the captain query asks for residential and ‘other’ B&Es.  Type ‘other’ includes detached garages or lockers (B&Es to attached garages are classified as residential). I don’t believe that the e-watch list includes the B&E ‘other’ type. 

The captain query uses a time range based on the creation time of the incident to capture the data .  This is the only way to ensure we get all the data and don’t send duplicates, as we don’t keep track in the database of which incidents are sent through captain.  Each morning the query runs and asks ‘What incidents have been created since the last time this query was run that matches the captain criteria’.  This means that no matter what happens to the incident after the query runs it will never be re-selected.  The e-watch asks ‘What incidents that have been verified and occurred between these dates match the e-watch criteria’. 

There are at least 3 database systems involved that produce the 2 lists.  Entry is mostly done for the purpose of dispatching vehicles to the scene, the officers then take notes and update the reports.  Basic data is transferred from the dispatch system to the police records and reports system. The officers enter their reports and may re-classify the report if they feel that upon speaking to the complainant, the initial classification was incorrect. The captain program captures the data at this point.  Depending on the timing, the officer may or may not have written the report and updated an incident that is being selected for captain. A subset of the data is then transferred to the crime analysis system. The data selected is based on modification date, so that nothing matching the criteria is ever missed.  Here the data is put into a much more standardized and detailed format so that it may be analyzed for patterns.  The e-watch list is produced from this data.

Bannerman, Sth Side Emslie to Main - Break-in, Aug 31.

From a Resident on Bannerman, South side between Emslie and Main

Sometime early Aug. 31 morning, someone broke into our backyard even though it has a 6 foot fence, slider lock, padlock and across the two gates 2x4. and plus the Atlantic homes face our back yard.
Out of the four bikes they took only the one new bike.
The other strange thing was on Monday about 4 in the morning there was a sound on and around Atlantic as if someone was putting something metal onto a truck.
I chalked it up to a contractor dumping into our Bannerman Avenue dumpsters placed on Atlantic, because most times they are so full that the Bannerman Avenue residents have not been able to use these dumpsters. 
Wonder if there were any other reported break ins on Bannerman or Atlantic.
[Editor's Note  - see earlier posting of various B&Es - Polson, Atlantic, Inkster. a few days earlier]

Free Writing Group for Newcomers to Canada - Sept 7 to Oct 30

Finding Your Voice is an 8 week creative writing program for New Canadians that builds intercultural communication and writing skills. 

The group will discuss access to writing and publishing resources, provide an opportunity for networking, and help you build your writing, editing and storytelling skills. Sessions will be moderated by Janine LeGal, writer and human rights activist and co-moderator Alan Balingit, journalist and new Canadian.

Basic English writing skills necessary. This program is not an English language course. It is intended as a means to develop creative writing skills through practice.

Millennium Library, Meeting Room 1
2nd Floor, 251 Donald Street
Finding Your Voice
Tuesdays from 7 - 9 p.m.
September 7 to October 26
Saturdays from 10 am to noon
September 11 to October 30
To Register for an 8 week program, call 986-6779.
A free writing group for newcomers to Canada

Canada Post - Graffitied Mail Boxes - Salter X 3 ,Kingsbury, Jefferson X 3, Matheson, Lansdowne

Thank you for your message to Canada Post.
I have initiated an inquiry on this matter for you.  Your customer number is 60400744and the case number is 0009005838.  A representative will be in contact with you within 5 business days to provide you with an update on your file.
Should you require further information, please feel free to contact us.
Marie-Rachel Joaquim
Customer Service
Canada Post
----- Original Message -----
From:           Luxton Residents Association
Sent:           August 30, 2010 17:03:04
To:             SERVICE, At; Okabe, Robert
Subject:        Graffitied mail boxes Salter at Rupetrsland, Salter at Perth, Salter at Royal, Kingsbury at Sinclair, Winnipeg
Dear Canada Post:
Graffified grey mail boxes at the following locations in Winnipeg.  Please arrange for the graffiti to be cleaned off as soon as possible.
1. Salter at Rupertsland
2. Salter at Perth
3.  Salter at Royal
4. Kingsbury at Sinclair

Thank you for your message to Canada Post in regards to this matter.
I have forwarded your message to your local depot and requested that this relay box be cleaned.  Your customer number is 60400744 and case number is 8997607.  
Isabelle Weisman
Customer Service
Canada Post
----- Original Message -----
From:           Luxton Residents Association
Sent:           August 27, 2010 18:17:45
To:             SERVICE, At
Subject:        Graffitied mail boxes Jefferson at Teakwood, McGregor and Aikins
Dear Canada Post:
The grey mail boxes at the following locations in Winnipeg are graffitied and need cleaned of asap.

1. Jefferson at Teakwood; Jefferson at McGregor and Jefferson at Aikins

Please could they be cleaned off as soon as possible.
Observed Thursday Aug 26 2010

Hello Rowena Fisher,
Thank you for your message to Canada Post.
I have initiated an inquiry on this matter for you.  Your case number is 8954625.  We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and will see to having this matter rectified.
Should you require further information, please feel free to contact us.
Richard Manning
Customer Service
Canada Post Corporation
----- Original Message -----
From:           Luxton Residents Association
Sent:           August 18, 2010 06:37:38
To:             SERVICE, At
Subject:        RE: Graffitied Mail Boxes, Winnipeg, Matheson at Scotia and Lansdowne at Salter
Dear Canada Post
Please pass along that the grey mail boxes on Matheson at Scotia and Lansdowne at Salter, in Winnipeg both need graffiti removed from them asap.

Grassroots Project - Combatting Climate Change - Pilot Project

Manitoba News Release
August 27, 2010

- - -
Grassroots Projects
Will Have Huge Impact:  Lemieux, Blaikie

Manitobans are taking a leadership role in combating climate change by raising community awareness and developing grassroots solutions, Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux and Conservation Minister Bill Blaikie, minister responsible for recycling and environmental education, announced today. 

"By taking actions such as reducing waste, composting, implementing sustainable transportation measures and developing green landscaping, municipalities across the province will collectively go a long way toward reducing Manitoba's carbon footprint," Lemieux said.  "Every individual, business, neighbourhood and municipality has an important role to play in helping us create a better environment for future generations."

Fourteen rural and urban centres, including six neighbourhood organizations, are receiving funds under the four-year (2008-12), Community Led Emissions Reduction (CLER) pilot program.  The funds help them develop and implement projects and activities that reduce greenhouse gases and support lasting changes.  
The $3.5-million pilot program is being delivered in partnership with the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities, Conseil de développement économique des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba, Manitoba Hydro, local not-for-profit environmental organizations and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
The initiative has five stages and the participating communities have all completed the first three:

- establishing an emissions inventory to show how many greenhouse gases are being emitted in the areas of energy, transportation and waste;

- setting emissions reduction goals;

- developing a local climate-change action plan with community input;

- implementing emissions-reduction projects and activities; and

- monitoring progress and reporting results.

 "We all have a responsibility in reducing the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change," Blaikie said. "These communities and neighbourhoods are clearly committed to living more sustainably.  Research tells us that up to half of greenhouse-gas emissions in Canada are under the direct or indirect control of municipalities, so it's important that we support climate change initiatives at the grassroots level."

"Brandonites are proud to have played a strong role in grassroots climate-change initiatives like the One Tonne Challenge.  The Community Led Emissions Reduction program helps us build on ongoing priorities and previous accomplishments," said Brandon Mayor Dave Burgess. 

"When it comes to the environment, we're told to 'think globally and act locally,' and climate change is one area where action in small communities can make a big difference," said St-Pierre-Jolys Mayor Réal Curé.

"Daniel McIntyre/St. Matthews residents already recognize that greening our neighbourhood has the added benefits of enhancing local recreational, housing and safety priorities.  Participating in this pilot program will help us get our green plan off the ground," said Kemlin Nembhard, executive director of the Daniel McIntyre/St. Matthews Community Association.

The Community Led Emissions Reduction program builds on the groundbreaking work of the former Climate Change Community Challenge (C4), Green Manitoba's Municipal Baseline Project and the continued dedication of local non-profit organizations such as Resource Conservation Manitoba, the Manitoba Eco-Network and Climate Change Connection, said the ministers.

While the pilot program is currently limited to designated communities, other communities in the province interested in undertaking climate change measures can access tools and resources developed under CLER by visiting the program's website at
In 2008, the province launched Beyond Kyoto, Manitoba's blueprint to reach and go beyond its legislated Kyoto target to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by six per cent below 1990 levels by 2012.  This pilot initiative is part of the Beyond Kyoto commitment.

Assault with Weapon, 500 Blk Prichard, Sept 1

 Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
3:20 p.m.
On Wednesday, September 1st, 2010 at approximately 5:20 a.m. Winnipeg Police Service Uniform Members, along with Emergency Services Personnel were dispatched to attend to a residence in the 500 block of Pritchard Avenue.
Upon arrival, officers located a 15 year old male suffering from what appears to be stab wounds to his upper body. 
This male victim was transported to the hospital and has been upgraded to stable- guarded condition.   
There is no one in custody at this time. 
This investigation is continuing by members of the Division 13 Crime Unit and anyone who may have information regarding this incident is asked to contact investigators at 986-2848 or Crime Stoppers at 786-TIPS (8477).

For further information contact either:
Constable Natalie Aitken, Public Information Officer
Constable Jason Michalyshen, Public Information Officer

Office: (204)986-3061
Fax: (204) 986-3267
Share this mailing with your social network

North End Food Security Network

The North End Food Security Network steering committee meets once a month, for about an hour and a half, to review current Food Security project initiatives, and to give guidance(steering) and suggestions for current and future Food Security programs. If you would like to be part of this committee, please  return your available times for the planned September meeting in the  following link:

Thank- you

Back to School Safety Reminder from Winnipeg Police Service

Friday, September 3, 2010
As the new school year approaches, the Winnipeg Police Service would like to remind parents and guardians of the importance of the safety of our children as they go to and from school. Each year, serious safety hazards are created when children are being dropped off and picked up from school.
Parents and guardians who are stopping or parking their vehicles while dropping their children off are reminded to do so in an appropriate and legal fashion, paying particular attention to no stopping/parking signs in schools zones. Drivers should be abiding with the pick up and drop off programs that are already established for your school. 
If your child walks to school, walk with your child several times to familiarize them with the route and point out traffic hazards and situations to avoid. As the distance from home to school increases, so does the risk of encountering traffic safety hazards. 
Talk to your child about traffic safety and teach them when and where it is safest to cross while stressing the importance of using crosswalks and abiding by the direction of School Patrols. Children should visually scan potential dangerous areas such as parking lots and driveways for vehicles.
Parents, guardians and other motorists should consider the volume and speed of the traffic in your area. Be mindful of children in the area and pay particular attention near schools as children could dart from between vehicles at any time.
Stop signs on buses picking up and dropping off children must always be respected. Anyone not stopping when a school bus has its stop sign and lights activated may be subject to a fine under the Highway Traffic Act.
Please remember, Just Slow Down.

McPhillips, 300 Blk, Commercial Robbery, Sept 2, 7 p.m.

On September 2, 2010 at approximately 7:00 p.m., Officers responded to a commercial robbery at a business in the area of the 300 block of McPhillips Street.
The investigation has revealed that two males entered the business while concealing their identity and confronted an employee. The suspects were observed to be armed with a firearm and bear spray when they demanded cash. It was at this time the employee fled and the suspects stole an undisclosed amount of cash.
The suspects were observed to flee the area on bikes when they confronted the employee on a second occasion. It was at this time one of the suspects pointed what appeared to be a firearm in his direction. The employee fled to a neighbouring business and police were summoned.
Attending officers located one of the suspects in the area of Selkirk Avenue and Battery Street.
A 20 year old male has been charged with: Robbery with a Firearm and Wear Disguise with Intent.
He was detained at the Provincial Remand Centre.
The investigation is continuing.

Shots Fired - 500 Blk St Johns Sept 4 and 700 Blk Main, Sept 5

Sept 5, 2010
SHOTS FIRED C10-202268
On September 4, 2010 just prior to midnight, Uniform members were dispatched to the 500 block of St. John’s Avenue regarding shots being fired.
Attending member’s located evidence to support shots were fired in the area, however no one was injured as a result of the incident.
The investigation is continuing by members of the Division 13 Crime Unit.
SHOTS FIRED C10-202348
On September 5, 2010 at approximately 1:35 a.m., Uniform members were dispatched to a business in the 700 block of Main Street regarding shots being fired.
The investigation has revealed that a male was observed to discharge a firearm within the business at which time several males fled the area on foot.
This investigation is in its early stages therefore, limited information is available at this time
Members of the Major Crimes Unit continue to investigate. Anyone with information regarding the incident is asked to call police at 986-6219 or CrimeStoppers at 786-TIPS (8477).