Monday, January 25, 2010

Yard Work, Snow Clearing Jobs Wanted

A young fellow by the name of Miles is looking for snow clearing jobs- Luxton neighbourhood north from St. Johns Park. Call him at 414-7701. (Jan 25/09) He also does yard work in the summer.

Saving Circle; Save $1.00 matched with $3.00 !!!

Nor-West Co-op Community Health Centre offers Saving Circle starting January. Would you like to improve your financial situation? Join 6-month saving circle group where you will learn ways to save, budget and achieve your financial goals. This program will help you open a savings account with Assiniboine Credit Union. For every $1 saved the circle will match it with $3 to a maximum combined amount of $1,000. 103-61 Tyndall Ave. Info. and to register Natalie 940-8511

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Molson Property Public Riverbank Access - Adjourned till Mar 2, 10

Issue: Public access along riverbank of old Molson site on Redwood:

Extract from:

JANUARY 12, 2010
Item 79 Rezoning – 65 Redwood Avenue DAZ 214/2009
The Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Community Committee adjourned the public
hearing to its meeting on March 2, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Building,
510 Main Street, in accordance with the applicant’s request.

Previous Posting:
An application is being heard by the City on Tuesday Jan. 12 to re-zone the old Molson riverbank site on Redwood Ave. Currently there's an easement for public access close to the water's edge which frequently floods. The Winnipeg Public Service recommendation is that the re-zoning be granted subject to various provisions including that

vi. That the Developer shall grant to the City an easement for the North Winnipeg Parkway, active transportation trail, and shall pay all associated surveying costs; vii. That the specific location and configuration of the North Winnipeg Parkway and associated easement will be determined by the Director of Planning, Property and Development and the Director of Public Work in consultation with the Developer, and will be based on bank stability, riverbank habitat, safety-of-access considerations, design requirements, (connecting ideally at the north limit on the upper bank and at the south limit under the Redwood Bridge), Universal Design standards, and minimizing the impact on private property;

For the City's report go to the Agenda – Lord Selkirk-West Kildonan Community Committee – January 12, 2010, published at Please attend the meeting and/or convey your support for this public access to Cnr Lazarenko at

LOCATION: Council Building
510 Main Street
DATE: Tuesday, January 12, 2010
TIME: 4:00 p.m.
MEMBERS: Councillor Lazarenko, Chairperson
Councillor Pagtakhan
Councillor O’Shaughnessy
SERVICE: Ms I. Skundberg, Clerk, City Clerk’s Department
Mr. G. Doney, Senior Planner, Planning, Property
and Development Department
Mr. G. Solkoski, Housing and Existing Buildings
Administrator, Planning, Property and
Development Department

Friday, January 22, 2010

Emergency or Grandparent Scam

The Winnipeg Police Service has been receiving increasing numbers of reports of the “Emergency or Grandparent Scam”. The basic scam involves the suspect(s) calling an elderly grandparent, claiming to be his or her grandchild. The suspect(s) claim that they are in jail, or have some other critical emergency, and need money wired to his or her location. The grandchild further encourages the grandparent not to say anything to anyone as he or she is embarrassed about the incarceration.

In two recent cases grandparents used a money transfer service to send $3,000 and $7,000 to help their grandchild, who was later found to be fine.

The Winnipeg Police Service Commercial Crime Unit is involved in an ongoing investigation with other agencies at this time. The Commercial Crime Unit encourages all care providers, children and grandchildren to discuss this scam with older adults who may be in care facilities or who they feel may be susceptible to these pressure tactics.

For further information on this scam please visit Phone busters at:

Debit Card Fraud - A Primer from WPS

Since the fall of 2009 the Winnipeg Police Service Commercial Crime Unit has been made aware of at least 38 incidents involving the tampering of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) resulting in payment card data and personal identification numbers being obtained from customers using the machines.

The bulk of these incidents of tampering occurred at stand-alone ATM’s. In each instance the suspects would approach the machine, cover the surveillance camera with paper, and place an overlay device over the card slot. This device would subsequently read and store the customer’s card data as the card was passed through the overlay and into the legitimate card slot. A pinhole camera placed above the keypad would then record the customers entering their personal identification numbers. In some instances the suspects wore various disguises to try to conceal their identity.

Once the data is captured it is then used by the suspects or their associates to withdraw money from the customers’ accounts or otherwise use their data to make fraudulent purchases. The data obtained from these incidents has resulted in excess of $160,000.00 in losses to various financial institutions. However the total potential exposure to loss based on the data stolen is in excess of $1 million.

The skimming of debit card data involves a number of steps from the manufacture of the overlay devices; the placement of the devices on ATM’s; the collection and retrieval of the data and overlays; the transfer of the data collected to a usable medium (i.e. plastic card with a magnetic stripe that can be read by an ATM or point of sale terminal); the distribution of that data or medium to others; the use of the data or medium illegally; to the disposition of the proceeds.

With the assistance of bank investigators the Commercial Crime Unit commenced a lengthy investigation to identify the makers/installers of these devices.

That investigation has concluded with the execution of several search warrants and the arrests of a 29 year old male and 39 year old male, both of Winnipeg who are facing the following charges:

Wear disguise with intent
Possess credit card data X 50
Use credit card data X 44
Possess instruments for forgery X 7
Possess proceeds of crime

Both males have been released on a Promise to Appear.

More charges are expected as the data from the searches is analyzed.

The investigation continues. (Jan. 21/10)

Winnipeg Transition Centre - Job search prep.

Unemployed and looking for work? Stand out from the crowd with help from the Winnipeg Transition Centre, 1836 Main (by Tim Hortons)Services are FREE and will teach you to develop an effective resume, prepare for interviews and access the hidden job market. Call 338-3899 to register.

Luxton Adult Learning Program

Luxton School, 111 Polson Avenue provides literacy, upgrading, GEB preparation and computer literacy programs for adults. Contact Margaret 632-4725


North End Family Centre - Community Advisory Panel

North End Family Centre 1322 Main St.

Holds a Community Advisory Panel the 3rd Monday evening of each month 7 - 8: 30 p.m. Info. Executive Director or Program Coordinator 582-7927 or

Koats for Kids (Perth's 1560 Main Drop-Off)

United Way's Koats for Kids program collects gently used children's outerwear to make sure every chold has a warm coat for winter. Drop off donations at any Perth Services or Winnipeg Service Station locations. Info. 586-5628

(Perth's have a location at 1560 Main - just north of the transit garage on Carruthers)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Primary Health Care Available at 601 Aikins

The Primary Care Clinic based out of 601 Aikins St has now resumed accepting new patients who do not have a health care service provider and who live in the R2X, R2W community area postal codes, and who will be triaged in order of priority.
Our priority groups are clients with severe mental health and/or addictions, high-risk pediatric and pre/postnatal mothers with families and the elderly.
Please note that we have all female providers working in the clinic, so we request you please explore our health office as an option if the preference is for a female provider.
Please contact us directly at 940-2025 to become a client of Aikins Community Health clinic.

Thanks,Vince Sansregret Community Facilitator - Point Douglas Community Area
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA)
North End Wellness Centre - 2nd Floor, 363 McGregor Street R2W 4X4
Tel: 940-2557 Cell: 801-7803 Fax: 940-2293

City and Police Reporting Non-Emergency Problems

311 or 311@ - Non-emergency reporting problems to the City - digital photos

The City's 311 service centre has advised that when reporting a problem (potholes, infrastructure problems etc.) you "can attach photos to almost all our service requests (with the exception of Community By Law Enforcement issues and Animal Services reports) " A picture is better than a thousand words!

City of Winnipeg Police: E-mail contact for non-emergency matters is available via Contact Us on the City of Winnipeg Police website

Police Non-Emergency: 311 has advised that “Local traffic enforcement concerns are best handled by the Community Service Center in your area [Hartford], they can be reached by phone at 986-6313.” (23/11/09) .... unfortunately actually getting through is extremely challenging .... so ....

As advised by Sergeant Ian McHale #1590Community Support Unit Division #13 "Another option would be to send an e-mail directly to Division 13. This e-mail account is checked daily by an officer from the division but again it is only to be used for general inquiries and information requests. The e-mail address is

The Inspector at the Police Service Centre on Hartford is Bryan Cyncora.

Main St - Diamond Lanes - No rush hour stopping

Diamond Lanes on North Main - Jarvis to Inkster/Carruthers
No stopping on southbound Main - 7 a.m. - 9 a.m.
No stopping on northbound Main - 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

(Penalities include $190.00 find and two demerits)
Info. on their use is at

Snow Removal/Yard Work- Win Win for Youth Training &Home Owner!

Macdonald Youth Services Independent Living with Support T.L.C. Work Program
We offer services such as yard maintenance including:
Snow shoveling
Removal of snow from roofs
Eavestrough cleaning
Mowing grass
Raking leaves
Fence painting
Small demolition jobs
Refuse removal (appliances, trash)
Moving jobs
Our youth are assisted and supervised during their work performance. This process ensures that the job is completed to your satisfaction, and helps instill confidence and self-esteem in the youth supported in our program. For estimates and further information, please contact:

Richard Armstrong 803-8023
Weekly, monthly and senior rates are available.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

North End Wellness Centre - 363 McGregor Ave

Programs including breakfast, parenting, seniors walking club, community lunch,

cooking club traditional arts and crafts, sewing with Mrs. J,
spirit of peace women’s open group, jigging and square dancing, saving circle,
drop in, fun Friday and elder/community drop in.
Visit for details.

Little Acorn Parent and Child Play Group -St. Johns Leisure Centre

St. Johns Leisure Centre located at 601 Aikins Street. Starts at 1:30 PLEASE NOTE: Entrance is in the back of the building only. Free Parking is also in the back.

This program is intended for parents and care givers with children under the age of 1 year.

- Little Acorns is a parent led group where parents decide on activities and topics to be discussed.

- Every week there will be something new including Guest Speakers who will share information on a chosen topic.

- A Public Health Nurse will be on site to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

- Take some time to sit down, relax, have a healthy snack, meet new people and watch your baby interact with other babies.

- No fees or appointments needed, just drop in for a visit.

Schedule - January 6, 2009 - June 23, 2009

January 20 - Infant Massage – Guest Speaker Michelle

February 3 - Home Safety for your baby – Public Health Nurse

February 17- Coping with Change – Guest Speaker from Women’s Health Clinic

March 3- TBA

March 17- Immunizations – Public Health Nurse

March 31- Lets make a toy! (Making an interactive toy for your Baby)

April 14- Car Seats moving from rear to front facing ( Jeanie, MPI)

April 28- Winnipeg Public Library presentation with Monique

May12- Music Day

May 26- Intro to infant sign language – Jennifer (Baby Signs)

June 9- TBA

June 23- Infant Sleep Patterns – Public Health Nurse

Come out and meet other members from your community. For more information please call: 940-2542 and ask to speak to a Public Health Nurse.