The City has asked people to take 5 minutes and clear the accumulated debris from the street drain/catchbasin outside their homes, to alleviate street flooding should we get another deluge. When dried out it can become like concrete.
Here's how one Winnipegger expressed it in the Winnipeg Free Press
"My street was full of water this weekend and, instead of calling 311, I put on my rubber boots and got a stick. I waded out into the middle of my alley and repeatedly forced the stick through the grates of the city drain to remove the debris that was blocking the water from draining. It took about an hour for the two-foot deep water to recede to a stream. Then I went and cleared the city drains on the front street, another foot or so of water gone in a half hour.
Here's how one Winnipegger expressed it in the Winnipeg Free Press
"My street was full of water this weekend and, instead of calling 311, I put on my rubber boots and got a stick. I waded out into the middle of my alley and repeatedly forced the stick through the grates of the city drain to remove the debris that was blocking the water from draining. It took about an hour for the two-foot deep water to recede to a stream. Then I went and cleared the city drains on the front street, another foot or so of water gone in a half hour.
I wonder how many people would have saved themselves being blocked in by water if they would have just got their own sticks and cleared up some drain-blocking debris instead of picking up the phone and complaining to 311. Next time it rains, don't be so lazy!
Tom Gunn
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition June 1, 2010 A11"
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