Monday, September 6, 2010

Lake St.Cross (Inkster to Luxton) Friday Aug 13th, 2010 (Photo)

August 16/10
Good Evening,
According to Water and Waste these two locations were repaired on June 5th when a new inlet top was put in place.  Clearly that has not solved the problem.
I have submitted a new request to have this matter further investigated and included the photos you have provided to ensure they understand the seriousness of the matter.
A crew from Water and Waste will be onsite to investigate the cause of this issue within 24 hours.  Should you wish to follow up on this matter, your reference number is 401853.
Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.
Service Representative
311 Contact Centre

From: Luxton Residents Association []
Sent: Mon 8/16/2010 6:50 PM
To: 311

Subject: Reference 337903 and 337920.St Cross Flooding, Inkster to Luxton

Dear 311:

In relation to  the blocked catchbasins on St Cross (The reference number for the east side of St. Cross is 337903 and the west side is 337920) I've attached some photos of St Cross taken  on either Thursday 12th or Friday 13th around 7: 15 a.m. following the torrential rain fall around 5 a.m. that morning.   As you can see because of the blocked drains the water had been able to drain away, and well after the rain had stopped was still up to the top of the kerb.   Any more rain and it would  have been an over-land threat to the nearby houses.  Please add these comments and photos to the above reference numbers so that when this location is inspected within  124 days from June 3, this information will be available.    

Incidentally, looking back at my e-mails this flooding problem on St Cross was initially reported by me to the City in the summer of 2003, so presumably a fix can't be too far away!  

1 comment:

  1. City Crews attended on Monday Sept 13/2010. From speaking with one of the guys the plan appeared to be to clean the muck out of the pipe and send a camera down to see if there was a problem/break in it (the pipe runs under the east/west path - formerly the lane - on the north side of the skating rink.
