Aug 18, Update:
Regarding 165 Aberdeen Ave., they have planted ivy and have submitted a landscaping plan that we approved which shows the locations of the ivy and the locations where 4 large flower pots were / will be located during the summer, at least until the ivy reaches the top of the fence.
In addition, at 5 PM today is a public hearing of the Board of Adjustment. An application for erecting signs at 165 Aberdeen Ave. is on the agenda. Below are the planner's report and other key info. This info is also in the link Scroll down in the window in the link to Item 3 and click on that link.
The current situation with respect to the 6 foot high chain link fence which fronts onto Main Street is that the landscaping should have been provided "to mitigate the visual impact of the chain-link fence.", and as of March 2010 the matter is with the City's Zoning and Permits.
Here's the history, which followed from a December 13, 2007 enquiry of the City as to why a 6ft high chain link fence had been permitted on one of the City's main streets.
Minutes - Board of Adjustment - December 17, 2008
Minute No. 238 Variance - 165 Aberdeen Avenue
(Mynarski Ward)
File DAV 127673/2008C
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Bill Evans, Chair, Mark Morgan & Ron Turner)
The Board of Adjustment did not concur in the recommendation of the Winnipeg Public Service and approved a Variance on “the land” for the maintenance and extension of a chain-link fence for an existing assisted living facility to permit a fence height in the required front yard of 6 feet (1.83 metres), subject to the following conditions:
1. That the chain-link fence shall not be expanded or modified from the existing state.
2. That no privacy tape shall be permitted on the chain-link fence.
3. That the final plans showing the location and details of landscaping, to mitigate
the visual impact of the chain-link fence, shall be submitted to the Director of
Planning, Property and Development for approval prior to the issuing of any
development or building permits; and the applicant shall maintain the landscaping
to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning, Property and Development.
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