Sunday, March 28, 2010
1445 Main (Extra Foods) - Removal of Parking Lot Lighting
Nicole of Loblaws responded to enquiries of Loblaw's head office (1-866-999- 9890 or 905-459-2500) under reference No. 732-2337 early this year.
Lately one of the concrete pillars, which previously housed one of the lamp standards, has been encased in wooden crating, but plans to return the lot to the previous standard of lighting are currently unknown.
Autobin - Contractor Illegal Dumping - White truck
Both were big guys and the helper had a dark complexion. The truck was an older model, white with the sides of its bed having been built up with wood to increase its capacity. When challenged they took off westward in the Inkster/Lansdowne lane, turning south at St. Cross. The vehicle's rear licence plate had been removed - they clearly knew what they were doing was illegal.
If these guys are dumping in your area, please get as much information as possible and provide it to the City at or phone 311. Water and Waste has indicated that it will prosecute.
Contractors moving their garbage disposal problems onto autobin neighbourhoods is one of the factors in their annual household garbage being 1,600kgs (other City areas are between 850 and 1,000kgs.)
1445 Main (Extra Foods) Billboard - Variance Required
As of March 25, 2010 the City has advised that:
" conditional use approval from the Board of Adjustment is required for the sign to continue.
Here's the history:
On November 6, 2002 the City of
Pablo Herrera and Arlene Ratuski) against the advice of its Planning and Plan Use Division*, approved the installation of the billboard on the lot. See
*Planning and Plan Use Divisions reasons against included:
Commercial district “CI.5” doesn’t list advertising signs as a permitted use.
Visual impact - sign will be clearly seen from living rooms of neighbouring homes
Over-saturation – billboards opposite (Cropo) and ½ block north (1480
Billboard size – will overpower the first party identification signage of surrounding neighbourhood
Safeway, Extra Foods and the funeral home will feel the need to
Item No. 20: Minute No. 542: Nature of the Application:
Application to vary the “C1.5” district regulations of Zoning By-law No. 6400/94 for a change of use for a period to be determined by the Board of Adjustment to permit the establishment of an advertising sign use. - Pattison Outdoor Group, c/o Lee Ann Partridge -
That the application for a Zoning Variance be approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the total height of the subject sign shall be limited to 24 feet.
2. That the sign shall be located in the centre of the
3. That a planter box shall be installed at the base of the sign.
4. That mobile signs shall be prohibited on the subject property.
5. That the Variance granted by the Order shall terminate on November 30, 2005.
The November 6th, 2002 City of Winnipeg Board of Adjustment Minutes that
the installation of the sign on Extra Foods lot was subject to a planter being installed at the
base of the sign (Condition 3).
Curiosity A Love Story - In Stores Now
The review is at
Monday, March 22, 2010
ATM Skimming - Card Data & personal Identification numbers
Sunday, March 14, 2010
165 Aberdeen (Holy Fam. Nursing Home) Variance - Update Aug.18
The current situation with respect to the 6 foot high chain link fence which fronts onto Main Street is that the landscaping should have been provided "to mitigate the visual impact of the chain-link fence.", and as of March 2010 the matter is with the City's Zoning and Permits.
Here's the history, which followed from a December 13, 2007 enquiry of the City as to why a 6ft high chain link fence had been permitted on one of the City's main streets.
Minutes - Board of Adjustment - December 17, 2008
Minute No. 238 Variance - 165 Aberdeen Avenue
(Mynarski Ward)
File DAV 127673/2008C
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (Bill Evans, Chair, Mark Morgan & Ron Turner)
The Board of Adjustment did not concur in the recommendation of the Winnipeg Public Service and approved a Variance on “the land” for the maintenance and extension of a chain-link fence for an existing assisted living facility to permit a fence height in the required front yard of 6 feet (1.83 metres), subject to the following conditions:
1. That the chain-link fence shall not be expanded or modified from the existing state.
2. That no privacy tape shall be permitted on the chain-link fence.
3. That the final plans showing the location and details of landscaping, to mitigate
the visual impact of the chain-link fence, shall be submitted to the Director of
Planning, Property and Development for approval prior to the issuing of any
development or building permits; and the applicant shall maintain the landscaping
to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning, Property and Development.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Bannerman Fire - Graves-Hassbeek family Updated
April, 2010, A representative of the family has advised that no-one is soliciting donations door-to-door.
Here's the background:
8/3/2010: Early Saturday morning at 4am their house started on fire! They got out with just the clothes on their backs and nothing else!! They have lost everything!! Everyone got out, although Dean, the dad, had to have surgery on his hand as he tore his tendons smashing the windows to save his kids lives. Their 13 year old son, Jack, injured his foot jumping from the second story window.
They had no house insurance.
The 6 children plus a foster daughter are as follows
14 year old foster daughter
13 year old son
12 year old daughter
8 year old son
4 year old son
2 year old girl
and nearly one year old girl