Each month we send out an email with changes and updates to our website. We send the link to community members and to people who are involved in or interested in our community. Lots of changes to our website this month – here’s the link --
www.pointdouglas.net .
You’ll notice the look of the site has changed to reflect the importance of the role of The Point Community News in supporting this community website. We are pleased to announce that much of the print edition of The Point is now available online at http://
www.pointdouglas.net/The%20Point%20Online.htm The Point is your newspaper, and we would like to invite all community members to be a part of it. Write an article, share photos and stories, get on your soapbox and express your opinions, and make your voice heard.
On an urgent note, The Point Community News is trying to find enough funding to keep publishing its print edition. For seven years The Point has united and informed our community. We regret to say that we have had to stop publishing our mini issues (the four-page issue published between the bi-monthly larger issues) due to a lack of funding. We are trying to find the funding to keep the paper coming to your door. You can help us do that, if you’d like to, by sending an email to us expressing your support for The Point. You can send your email to thepoint.editor@pointdouglas.ca or to info@pointdouglas.net. Your support is vital, and would be greatly appreciated.
On the website, http://
www.pointdouglas.net be sure to check out the following:
Calendar of Events and Notices Among the notices you’ll find:
*The Environment Committee meeting re community gardens, spring clean-up & other topics
*Point Douglas Seniors Resource Coordinator
*Free Songwriters Workshops
*What’s New? – new and updated pages
*Rental Properties list
*Employment and Training Opportunities
*The Point Community News Online
*Welcome to the Neighbourhood!
*Point Douglas in the News
Our community helping Haiti,
Thank you to the police for their great service to the community
Derelict houses and be sure to get a petition for your street You can print this petition and take it around to others on your street if you have a boarded-up house that you’d like to see upgraded and rented out.
*Norquay Community Centre Programs
On a personal note, a big thank you to all of you who participated in our latest community survey, conducted by
www.pointresearch.ca through Dec/09 and into Jan/10. The survey was conducted on behalf of the Norquay Community Centre and the City of Winnipeg, on the subject of Organized Sports for children 17 and under in the communities of North and South Point Douglas. The response of the community was wonderful.
The survey intends to build on the results of the 2008 community survey, and the objectives of the survey were to find out what organized sports the kids currently participate in, the barriers to their participation, and what sports they would participate in if those barriers were removed . We’ll all be looking forward to seeing the needs of the community met, through the information provided to the City and to the Community Centre.
As always, we appreciate your feedback and comments about our website. Please be sure to share the link with anyone whom you think might enjoy it. And please be sure to check the site often, as it is updated almost daily.
Regards, Heather Geddie Website Coordinator